Pdf creation through python


The production of pdf through python is misbehaving.
The following code demonstrates the inconsistencies.
Run it in a new rhino file.
The code generates its own objects to be printed. (updated the script with ellipses instead)

It seems that output resolution is limited with no warning.
Even if I specified “vector mode”.
Furthermore, It is working sometimes on large format and sometimes it doesn’t.
Please could you take a look ? Verify if it is working on your side ?

I take the opportunity to express a wish : automatic paper size (not custom from OS) in the Rhino print dialog. The use of python is a way to achieve that. With few hick ups.
I need frequently to print patterns 1:1 scaled on large paper size, usually 36" width.
But the height is always different. Managing this through OS (printer driver) is completely insane.
There are too many steps.
So, a way to adapt the paper size to layout would be really nice. We would be able to print a series of layout of different format in a same pdf file.
The simple fact of not being able to print a portrait and a landscape in a same pdf is breaking the workflow when you have to think twice before mixing different formats in your layouts knowing you’ll have to manage them separately.


vector 100

vector 300

raster 100

raster 300

pdf_creation_200724-1503.py (2.8 KB)

Moved to Scripting category.

I don’t know if there was a memory leak but I rebooted and it seems to work now…
Just tell me if the script behaves correctly on your side.