not sure how it is done, but here are some clues.
To me this shape is a simple mesh torus that is deformed.
There many ways to deform a mesh.
By hand in rhinoceros
Or using deform component of grasshopper, like shear, Maelstom …
Before transformation
After transformation
Then using the strips you make grooves
I tried using components but it doesn’t work well. I surely don’t use the good points for point deform so it doesn’t find them and doesn’t move them
The best is surely to make your own tool to make grooved strips. It is not so hard, you move the side, add some points on the middle. If torus mesh is well constructed, the lateral of a face will always be AB CD or BC and DA. Choose one combination or the others changes the direction of strip. Like many things you’ll have to find or make the tools for what you want to achieve.
others sources
mesh deform and grooves.gh (19.8 KB)