Pattern array constrained to a 2-point perspective system?

I have a file I’m preparing that will depict the brick face of an apartment building using a built-in forced perspective. I’m not sure what the best method for drawing an array of bricks that conforms to this perspective system might be and was hoping someone might have insight.

If I can describe the screenshot: the pattern will be drawn on a quadrilateral that has a perspective point on its left and on its bottom. The left edge of the quadrilateral brick pattern has set dimensions (bricks .055" tall, mortar spacing .017" tall) and bottom edge has set dimensions (each brick is 0.13" wide, mortar spacing 0.012" wide), but all other variables would be determined by the perspective angles determined by the vanishing points (that is, the top and right edge are unknown dimensions).

My current solution for doing this precisely would be: make a point array of these known dimensions along the corresponding edges, manually drawing lines from each of those points to the corresponding perspective point, scaling each of their lines 1 dimensionally to extend to the opposite edge, and then going through by manually trimming the intersection points to make the brick pattern.

That seems like a very labor intensive process that could be done more intelligently, but I’m not sure how so. I’ve done perspective skew using CageEdit in the past – so I could make an array using those pattern dimensions and attempt to make the pattern match the perspective lines by sight – but I’d love to know if it’s possible to design this more precisely than that.

Thank you!

Hello - it sounds like once you have the initial lines, Exend or Line > Extend and CurveBoolean can help speed things up.
If you make one initial line and turn on points and copy the end control point to each of the other markers along the edge, you can quickly make all the initial lines along the marked edge.
