I wanted to transfer paths to another file using the data Output and Input components.
So I energized , and ended up with some strange gobbledygook in the Transporter room :
Seriously ?
It would take you the exact same time since you have to set the output and Input paths anyways…
Just joking.
You don’t get it Everyone who is interested must create their own data
You are becoming seriously ignorable.
Unique to R8 I assume? Not a problem in R7?
Hi Joseph.
Anyway, I found a workaround.
@DavidRutten , why do paths get the wrapper treatment when going through the data transporter ?
Sadly, I’m not surprised you didn’t bother to share it. Come to think of it, I don’t recall you ever answering a question, only asking.
Huh ?
And speaking about paths, I wish that set operators would accept to process them
It would make loads of sense to do this kind of operation with paths.
More than adding endless zeroes in paths anyways…