Hello all,
it is possible to have the same result as the command “PatchSingleFace” in Py or Gh?
thank you!
Moved to Scripting category
Hi @0904,
There is no API equivalent of this command.
– Dale
thank Dale
Hi @0904,
What exactly are you looking for here? A function that takes a list of edge/vertex components, a bool flag to determine whether to join the output to the input and an input mesh? I’m asking because I started to look at the command today and the components can be from different meshes and the command does all sorts of input checking as objects are getting picked. If what you want is something like
bool RhinoPatchSingleMeshFace(ON_SimpleArray<ON_ComponentIndex>& components, bool bJoin, ON_Mesh* pMesh)
I’ll probably make something new and leave the command like it is. Please let me know.
Hi Tim,
get this result link, using a script.
Hi Dale,
using the script link, i get back error.
Ok Dale, Thanks