Interesting work, thanks for sharing Laurent.
The thing about partitioning the points into 2 lattices in that article also caught my eye when I read it.
It seems to me there are many different ways you could approach this partitioning that would give quite different results.
I also think that by working with the point distribution separately from the partitioning they miss out on some of the more optimal surfaces that are possible here - for instance I don’t think a gyroid like geometry could ever result from this system. I was thinking this could tie into something @Dani_Abalde brought up recently about joining particles with a valence (Topology goal?), combined with having 2 types of points, which only snap to points of the same type…
Also, this reminds me, I saw a paper the other day about cellular materials that included some links to old Grasshopper forum discussions on ‘skeletal meshes’ in the references: