Parametric Design workshop by Jeroen Coenders (White Lioness Technologies) in Delft (Netherlands), Nov 27-Dec 12, 2019

Parametric Design workshop
by Jeroen Coenders (White Lioness Technologies)
Delft (Netherlands)

Nov 27-Dec 12, 2019

Adjust architectural and structural designs easily by a mouse click? Designs that adapt to environmental data? Automated calculations? Realize design optimization? The possibilities of parametric design are tremendous, and an increasing number of companies in the construction industry are using it.

Do you want to learn how parametric design can help your company? Register for the 4-day Dutch course Parametric Design with Jeroen Coenders of White Lioness technologies. The course starts on November 27 in Delft (The Netherlands).

Complete details and registration (in Dutch)…

Posted Aug 27, 2019 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.