Parametric chair

Does anyone know how to draw the chair in the attached images?
As I’m new to Rhino, I don’t even know how to start this project.


Hi Eduardo -

What’s parametric about this chair?

Have you gone through at least the Level 1 Training Manual?

Why did you drop this other thread that you started?

Or this one?

You’ll learn faster if you pick a project and completely finish that before moving on to something else.

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I dunno, have you tried 3D modeling?


As suggested, first of all you have to model the basic shape (it’s like a spoon) and after that you have to section the model (in this case 45° sections) to obtain all the elements that make the net.
Probably a GH definition would speed up the work… but you can also do manually.
The question is: have you ever modeled something? Because if this is your first project, probably is too complex…

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To me, this chair looks like a parametric design.

I didn’t abandon any topic, other open topics I managed to resolve my doubts.

Yes, I’ve done other modeling, but none at this level.


So, the first step is to see the “spoon” shape and to reproduce it (don’t look at the final result, you need the basic shape).
You can insert the images in the front viewport to draft the basic curves; after that try to build the first surface (don’t try to make all the chair with only one surface, make the top surface and the bottom one and connect them with a blend surface).
Divide the project in simple steps.

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my objective of this topic is to identify the initial shape of the chair (which I have difficulty identifying) and the part of creating this waffle style at the end.

as @lucio_zadra mentioned, it has a shape similar to a “spoon”, among other tips. thanks

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you would have to model the chair in the first place, for the rips you can use grasshopper, there are some plugins and some topics, look for gridshell.

for the chair part:

you need basically 2 curves to start with, the blue as the outline of the chair, i started by drafting a few points into 3d space with a curve, experiment with both interpolated or control point curve to get a feeling for it what suits your flow better, you can also draw the points into space then draw a curve through, in the end you will have to adjust them in 3d space anyway to get the curvature of your chair right. be sure that if you draw one half as shown here in blue that the ends meet tangent. then draw the orange curve

now use the line perpendicular to 2 curves command and click on both curves
you should be getting this now you have a basis for sweep2.

in the sweep2 command you have the option point, then click at one of the points at those locations displayed below, then the here shown white curve then the other point

you should end up with something like this

now use mirror on the result and then MatchSrf, play with the options of continuity and preserve to your likings, important is that you check the option average surface, then join.

for grasshopper it could make sense to merge those 2 surfaces with MergeSrf instead of Join, that will create one continuos surface.

excuse my crude attempt in creating your chair, it is for display purpose only :slight_smile: :wink: