Parametric Aircraft - with Air.Co.De. Definition

Hi, thanks for your interest, I’m glad.
Which model are you interested in?

Aircraft Conceptual Design | AIR.CO.DE. | Luca Filippone (

Plugin AirCoDe - Aircraft Conceptual Design

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Only 60’ for this:

The definition now became an Aeronautical plugin:

rhino7 Grasshopper plugin Grasshopper Developer #aircraft

Some pictures of the sailplane

You know about OpenFoam?
It’s open-source Computational Fluid Dynamics software, that’s free as in free-beer. It’s a comparable alternative to Anysis’s Fluent’s $20,000 seat/yr CFD solution.

On Windows systems, it’s OPenFoam is best experienced with BlueCFD-Core, so it turns without Docker ickyness, or virtualization that would have taken a 10% performance hit.

BlueCFD it is also used with Downloads · blueCFD-Core Project
Which has promise can can run OpenFoam studies, but it’s oriented for buildings. I had issues running cases, and I had asked for a simple test-mode, perhaps with the option of sliding/moving walls, that could be used for ground, but…

BlueFoam can also run studies with FreeCad, which can set it up.

Alternatively, cases can be written by hand, but for cases other than academic, meshing becomes…complicated. I had done that, once, just to experience the suffering, but also to get a feeling of how the program works, but basically starting with a timestep of zero 0, and then calculating the next time step from the previous one… .

Either way, it’s best to use the freshest version of Paraview.
Paraview is a 3D post-processing / data visualization program, endorsed by Sandia and Laurence Livermore Labs, so don’t test anything you want to keep from the government : )

Still, Paraview is an awesome piece of software, worthy of learning on it’s own. You can visualize things from weather, to CFD. I’ve used it for finite element, and also for visualizing optical interference and diffraction, but not in a geeky way. : )

Thanks a lot for your advices.
At this moment I m studing how to implement machanics flight in AirCoDe.
bye :wink:

Oh, you are working toward developing your own simulations/solvers.

No one simulation, but only a conceptual and preliminary study. For ohter analysis … we will see in the future.

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