Parameters name specified in Grasshopper not reflected in Visual Arq Custom Railing

Hi, would really appreciate if someone can help. May I ask how to make the Parameter name specified in Grasshopper reflected in Visual Arq for the Custom Railing ? I’ve changed the number slider to the name but not all of it is reflected in Visual Arq. Have attached some photos and GH Script. Would really appreciate if someone could help, thanks.

Visual Arq Testing Rotation (19.5 KB)

Hi @lokezhiming,

Have you reloaded the GH definition after you have changed the slider names?

Take into account that after you’ve created the style, the GH definition is embedded into de 3DM. This means that the external GH file is not used. Any change you make on the external GH file needs to be updated. To do this, run the vaRailingStyles command, select the railing style, right-click over it, select the option “Edit…”, and then, press on the “Reload” button (if the GH file is on the same location, if you have moved the GH file, you’ll need to browse again). Then just follow the wizard and make sure everything is set-up as you want.



Hi @enric , thanks for the help. I’ve tried reloading it but it still doesnt update the parameter name. Do I have to change it manually ?

Hi @lokezhiming,

You’re right. The name of the parameters is not updated when reloading a definition. This is done this way to keep names in case you changed them manually.

I’m going to fix this in VisualARQ 2.12, as I think we can deduce if the name has been changed by comparing the param name with the slider on the embedded GH definition.

Yes, until I fix this issue (VisualARQ 2.12).



Alright noted, thanks @enric for getting back, do appreciate it. Look forward to the updates