Parabola / Curve Display issue

when i create a Parabola, the displayed curve exhibits a polyline like appearance most noticeable at the vertex, changing to degree 3 exhibits the same issue changing to degree 4 the issue disappears. tested in v7 and v8

BildschirmĀ­foto 2023-10-30 um 15.00.49

testing further the same issue seems to happen in cp curves and interpolated curves, just very fine that one barely notices, changing to degree 4 seems to cure that problem till you change to a different (lower) degree again.

@stevebaer i can remember you talking about curves being displayed derived from actual triangles due to how the display pipeline was changed. i can not remember having such an issue in v5. though i believe there was a display simplification for curves or circles when panning.

Please post a sample file. Everything is broken down into triangles and sometimes we may not break down to a high enough level of detail

there you go, i drew a straight line below each curve marking the boarder of my viewport where the issue is exhibited best. i am using a 4k monitor set to emulate 2304x1536, the issue is least shown in the interpolated, there it is barely visible. the cp point shows it a bit less then the parobola but still plenty. the parabola is strongest visible.

jagged curves display.3dm (3.2 MB)

Iā€™ve put this file on the list as RH-78003 Display: Parabola curve tessellation

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