Hi everyone,
I have a big clumsy script attached here, but have questions about two specific components:
- When I morph panels to a surface using Box Morph, for some reason I need to mirror the base
geometry in order for them to map in a correct orientation - the way I have it on the base geometry panel.
See the diagonal on the base panel:
This is how it morphs without using “Mirror”, note the diagonal:
This is using “Mirror”:
Is this the expected behavior?
- With Extrude Linear component I seem to have to Flip axis curve in order for extrusion to go along the curve.
If I exclude Flip, the profile extrudes from the end of the axis down in the opposite direction - not along the axis.
This definitely looks erroneous. Wondering what am I doing incorrectly?
Thank you All for looking at this.
2024 1207_Facade 2-5.3dm (112.0 KB)
2024 1207_Facade 2-5.gh (61.1 KB)