Paneling method - Box Morph and Extrude Linear behavior

Hi everyone,
I have a big clumsy script attached here, but have questions about two specific components:

  1. When I morph panels to a surface using Box Morph, for some reason I need to mirror the base
    geometry in order for them to map in a correct orientation - the way I have it on the base geometry panel.

See the diagonal on the base panel:

This is how it morphs without using “Mirror”, note the diagonal:

This is using “Mirror”:

Is this the expected behavior?

  1. With Extrude Linear component I seem to have to Flip axis curve in order for extrusion to go along the curve.

If I exclude Flip, the profile extrudes from the end of the axis down in the opposite direction - not along the axis.
This definitely looks erroneous. Wondering what am I doing incorrectly?

Thank you All for looking at this.

2024 1207_Facade 2-5.3dm (112.0 KB)
2024 1207_Facade (61.1 KB)

I think more so than the approach being ‘incorrect’ what’s going on is the {classic} issue of transformation boxes not being aligned consistently from parent to target (in my experience this means the order of box corners in both parent and target boxes must be the same). I guess it’s not an issue, it’s just what happens in the sense that box morph isn’t supposed to auto-align things? Or maybe it does? Who knows, lol. I’d stick to what you’re doing unless you want to create your twisted boxes more deliberately to make sure all things correspond.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this