PackageManager bugs

Hi @will, i just wanted to report an issue with the _PackageManager related to uninstallation.

I have first installed my yak package, restarted Rhino 8 and then tried if all my PlugIn commands work. Next i’ve started the _PackageManager command, clicked on the Installed tab, where my package is properly listed. I’ve highlighted it, clicked on the Uninstall button and Rhino asked to restart which i did. After re-opening Rhino 8, the toolbar included with my package is not shown anymore which is expected. But:

  1. The PlugIn commands where still autocompleting when entered
  2. The PlugInManager still lists my PlugIn

it took a second restart of Rhino 8 to get rid of pt 1 and 2. Why is that ?


Hi Clement -
I’ve added this thread to RH-76686 Packages: Uninstalling doesn’t uninstall

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