Since upgrading to R6, we have really struggled with a catalogue of issues. Sorry to dump them all into one thread, but it seems the simplest way to get it all out.
We will probably revert to R5 at this point as it was running quite happily and the issues with R6 seem insurmountable in its current iteration. It will be a shame to lose the advances in make2d, but this is one of the features that hasn’t been functioning properly for us anyway, so no great loss.
One of our main bugbears was with Boxedit being completely unreliable, and I know that this is being worked on for the next SR (thanks Pascal) but this is just one of many problems.
Here is the list we’ve made in our studio during the couple of months we’ve used R6:
1 - Linear dimensions become invisible changing views, user must highlight/select them to make them visible again.
2 - Strange behaviour of highlighted objects - sometimes bold yellow, sometimes subtle yellow leaving us unsure if the item is highlighted or not.
3 - Make 2d is unreliable. Sometimes it fails completely (but without an error message in the command bar) sometimes it fails to produce a view when using 1st or 3rd angle projection.
4 - Planar linear dimensions do not always snap correctly (unable to snap to points when clearly visible)
5 - Make 2D is far slower than it used to be (not a major issue, but seems like a step backward)
6 - when dragging object, we receive the error message ‘history was broken on object’. there is no way to switch this alert off, and it costs us about 1000 extra mouse clicks a day.
7 - Dimensions no longer auto update when changing the c-plane in perspective mode - in R5 you could change cplane without ending linear dimension command - in R6 you cannot.
8 - Box edit tool not showing accurate information rendering - File removed
it useless.
9 - in plan curves/dimensions will become invisible randomly without warning - the only solution we’ve found to this problem is to select all geometry including 2d drawings and dimensions and move up, then down again. this seems to make things reappear. however, when rhino checks the history of the dimensions, this can take minutes.
10 - Using Cutepdf writer (which was fine in R5) Print to PDF doesn’t work every now and then, produces blank document.
11 - When moving a drawing around, it checks every single dimension for breaks in the history, this slows down things considerably
12 - Zoom window works normally but seems to de-focus on whatever it was focused on (selected region for rotated focus will change to random background)
13 - When dragging 2d drawings with dimensions, the values of the dimensions change. this is a huge problem for us, and I can’t think how it would even be possible.
14 - when selecting a linear dimension its size isn’t shown correctly in the object properties tab.
15 - I have no evidence for this, but it seems that my computer is having to work a lot harder to run R6 than it did with R5. More hanging, mouse lag etc.
I appreciate that some of these problems might be intentional behaviour by R6 that we’re unaware of and simply perceive as problems!
All of these issues should be apparent in the attached model, though these issues are all apparent in every file we’ve created in R6.
It would be great to know if there is a plan to work on these issues. It seems such a shame that R6 hasn’t been able to incorporate successfully all of the features of R5 that worked so well.
Also, can anyone tell us what our options are in terms of reverting to R5? is there a way that our R6 files can be transferred or are they now R6 for ever?
Many thanks,