Orient on Mesh or Polysurface

Thanks Pascal, I have no clue, I imagine it is more involved with History, but I would take better tool with no history than more limited because in simple cases the history can be recorded.
Maybe this can become its own tool, with its own rules, basically Rhino native version of “orient objects on objects”, like what I attempted here:
“Orient on Objects” tool - Rhino / Rhino for Windows - McNeel Forum
This way you would not need to worry about the history if this is a separate new tool geared towards object placement, rigid-only, with set of nice options I can tell you all about if anyone thinks it’s a good idea :wink:


There is a plugin that does orient on polysurfs and on meshes:

It’s a collection of various tools though, and if you don’t do jewelry it might be overkill.
But for jewelry, it can be invaluable.

@pascal What is very important I think is to allow orienting on subDs.

Orienting gemstones on this brooch for instance :

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Can’t the same principle be applied for “orient on mesh” command - i.e., the target plane is determined by the surface normal at picked point?

I am doing this via GH components today and it works but would be nice to see this built into rhino for better user experience.

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The year 2023 was coming to an end.
Rhinoceros 8 was released.
The developers are still struggling with this daunting task.
Soon we will celebrate the anniversary of this request :slight_smile:


Tired of waiting.
I had to make a simple tool in Grasshopper that transfers mesh points of the object along normals to each face. It doesn’t work well, but that’s the way it is…

Try this.