Orient 3D Groups

Hi all.

I do need to place some additional geometries into existing ones. More exactly I do need to add some Booleans that will produce some screw holes into the place of some existing hinges.

How I can orient the Boolean holes (yellow ones) to match the orientation of existing hinges geometries (Blue ones)?

Please note that this it is only a basic sample, the hinges (blue ones) can have different orientations into the 3D space.

Hinges Holes.gh (4.7 MB)

Hinges Holes Edited v0.gh (4.7 MB)

Thank you for this definition. A good start but I do need to put all the Holes into the corresponding places. That I think it is a little bit more complicated.

You have five Breps but only two holes in each hinge.
What do you mean by saying but I do need to put all the Holes into the corresponding places.?

Sorry for the bad description. Even if there are no other holes into the existing hinge they do have a separate plate (on the side, that are not included into the model) that do have that holes. Also the big hole, the 35mm diameter one needs to accommodate the head of the hinge.

Hinges Holes Edited v1.gh (4.7 MB)

I do found the point and the orientation of the Bounding Box of the holes and the desired insertion location. Now the remaining question it is how I can rotate ALL the parts that are on the Holes branch to match exactly the position of the Hinges.

Almost there, only I do also need to rotate them accordingly: