Hi everyone,
I am trying to do an exercise a litle be complexe to me. As u can see on the images, i have a mesh of a facade that was orient to the plan XY that is constitued for 5 regions , where in wich region i have differents values of solar impact. On the normal distribuition witch region have one window specific , but i want to complex a litle bit this distribution.
With 5 types of windows i can easly transforme on 10 differents windows. (Normal and Reverse), but i dont want to have more than 3 together and i want that on the limits of witch region i have something like a degrade of values respecting always the 5 different regions.
I believe i still have some work to do , in the meaning tha i must study all the possible combinations of 3 windows with differents values and how i can make a distribution that respect all the rules i wish.
I hope someone can help me
Luis Antunes