Orca3D V2 loads and works in Rhino V7 Beta

Orca3D Version 2.0.18, (7/30/2020) loads in Rhino V7 Beta (7.0.20280.13133, 10/6/2020) and appears to work properly. I tried the stability calcs and one hull assistant and everything worked as expected.


Thanks for checking and letting everyone know.
It’s is appreciated.

All V6 plug-ins should load and run in V7 Beta.
If they don’t the we need to hear about it.


Thanks for the feedback, I am sure @bhays will be excited to hear that also.

Now the question is how to SubD hulls work with Orca3d? I know people have discussed doing it. Might be interesting to find out?

A hull designed with SubD and then converted to NURBS should work in Orca3D like any other NURBS hull. I have not tried a SubD designed hull yet but my usual practice is to design the hull shape in Rhino outside of Orca3D and use Orca3D for analysis only. The same requirements hold for any hull to be analyzed by Orca3D - watertight below the waterline (though Orca3D appears to sometimes be more lenient that the native Rhino Hydrostatics command) and the surface normals need to point outward. Either a full hull or half a hull can be used.

I changed the title to reflect that Version 2 of Orca3D loads and runs in Rhino V7 Beta. Orca3D V2 was originally intended for use with Rhino V6. Orca3D V1 does not work with Rhino V5 so I don’t expect it will work with Rhino V7.

My understanding is some plug-ins might check the Rhino version before running, and it is possible, either inadverdently or deliberately, for that check to prevent a plug-in from running in V7. Fortunately Orca3D V2 does not have that limitation.

We think we have made it so plug-ins that look for V6 won’t bitch when they find V7.
Since the SDK wasn’t broken between V6 and V7, this is possible but all the developers need to test their plug-ins.
Further adjustments may be needed.

This is what the Beta development cycle is for.

Orca3D stability calculations work with SubD objects.

I converted an existing NURBS hull model to SubD using QuadRemesh, and then used the SubD model as input to Orca3D stability calculations. The results were very close to those obtained using the original NURBS hull model. Difference in displacement was less than 0.4% which was not surprising given the differences the shapes of the two surfaces. I then used ToNURB to convert the SubD model to a NURBS model and ran Orca3D hydrostatics. The displacement difference between the two was 0.02%.


So far our testing has shown that Orca3D works smoothly in Rhino 7, and SubD surfaces are compatible with calculations such as Sections, Hydrostatics & Stability, Speed & Power, and Weight & Cost. Real-time sections currently do not work with SubD models; that is, the sections don’t update as a control point is moved, but they do update when the control point is put down.