Options icon

Drag the file into the field you are using to type in. Also please try to explain how you want the finished appearance.

How do i turn off automatic checking?

Not sure what you mean by this. Is it keeping you from attaching the file?

After every time i click a command, a box comes up telling me 'check new objects etc. Report bug. Turn off automatic checking etc

I also cannot locate my options icon. I type options into the command box and it still does not come up?

“Options” do not exist on a Mac. Macs have “Preferences”. They can be accessed under the Rhinoceros menu.

I had lobbied in the past that typing Options would just open Preferences, but that was considered sacreligious in the Mac world , so it was not accepted. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

RH-48862. :smiling_imp:

After every time i click a command, a box comes up telling me 'check new objects etc. Report bug. Turn off automatic checking etc i still cannot remove this after i perform a command

I go into the preferences menu and when i try to remove the check all objects command i cannot

How do i make the check new objects command turn off

Automatic checking for this modeling session is turned off.

Run the “CheckNewObjects” command to turn off checking for all future sessions.

I go to “CheckNewObjects” and cannot edit it. This is super frustrating. Help me please

Known bug, has been fixed in the latest version - update your install to 5.5.1…

Careful, if you are still on 5.4.x iirc you have to install 5.5. first to get the preferences thing right for the future V6

5.5.1 should update the Preferences to the newer format. No need to go from 5.4.2 to 5.5 to 5.5.1.

Hi Dan,

I have looked for a video on how make multiple holes in one step but cant seem to find any. I know how to make a hole but id like to make an array of holes x 22 evenly spaced holes on a piece of steel i have drawn? Thanks in advance. Can you suggest some good rhino tutorials other than youtube please

Every time i select draw in 2d today im missing some lines in my drawing?

Please start a new thread when you change the subject…

psssssssst @Helvetosaur Options is now an alias to Preferences in the latest Service Release Candidate for Rhino 6 for Mac. I didn’t add the icon though.