OpenNest transform Rhino text

Tried to nest some closed curves which contains other curves and text inside and ended with a mess on text transform. Any suggestion?
01.3dm (1.1 MB) (20.6 KB)

I highly suggest to use OpenNest2 for custom attributes for Rhino8.
Elements there have attribute parameter to avoid this data tree matching issue.

Unfortunately, have no win11 machine available. Is there a solution with current setup?

Yes there is, I will write answer when I am home, I am currently on Ubuntu…

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Hi @Petras_Vestartas , anything on this?

On the old version you would need to do the following:

  1. Create polylines as outlines.
  2. References everything to grasshopper as guids.
  3. Transform everything.

Here is the example:

Your text: (27.8 KB)
polylines.3dm (2.7 MB)

Thanks Petras! Works excellent.

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