OpenNest geometry sedimentation

I have a question related to the operation of OpenNest. With both the new version and the previous ones, when I nest the geometries, it always groups the larger pieces to one side and decreases towards the smaller ones. As if it were a sedimentation of rocks. Does this happen because it is the most optimal way to group the geometry? Would mixing the small pieces with the large ones occupy a less optimal way?


If you look closely, in the first sheet there are big and small elements together.
But generally, yes it is simply sorted by area.

For sure there can be different heuristics. The one that is implemented “works” in general cases.

You can see that gaps are filled with smaller hexagons where needed:

If you are looking for rock stacking it is much more complex that a 2D problem, including changing objects geometry during construction, you can look at work of epfl, eesd or sxl.

Ok, understood. Thanks for replying and the references @Petras_Vestartas!

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