OpenNest for Rhino8 - plugin update

I tried. It’s a lot of work to document the steps I took and what happened… :roll_eyes:

Like most people, I haven’t read the examples you referred to or much about OpenNest in R8.

In R8, I opened the file that I had posted four days ago:

I started PackageManager and saw that OpenNest was already installed but I tried to install it anyway, thinking it would update. That apparently didn’t work, so you must uninstall the old version first? So I did that, restarted Rhino and tried PackageManager again, which seemed to work this time, though at some point (twice) I saw the following message:

I saw the OpenNest components I had installed four days ago but nest_geo was red with this error message:

  1. Solution exception:Input parameter index [4] too high for Component nest_geo.

nest was orange with this error message:

  1. Input parameter nest_geo failed to collect data

So I grabbed new copies of both from the ‘OpenNest2’ toolbar, with no indication that I was now using 2.1. Instead of the Rectangle I had used for the ‘nest_sheets’ input (old R7 style), I grabbed a nest_sheets component and connected all the new ones together. At a glance, it works :bangbang: (777.7 KB)

However… There are more parts than will fit on the 4 x 4 grid (‘array_x’ = 4 and ‘array_y’ = 4) with no obvious indication that 16 sheets isn’t enough. Unlike R7, it apparently doesn’t add sheets automatically? I’m not sure what’s going on with parts outside of the sheets grid? Is that the que of parts yet to be placed? ‘array_x’ = 4 and ‘array_y’ = 6 appears to be enough.

So bottom line, yes, it appears to work much better than before. AHA!! Increasing ‘num_of_rotations’ to 4 makes the que go away. Will take some getting used to this. (779.9 KB)

P.S. By the way, is this an R8 quirk? (flaw!) I ignored it when modifying ‘num_of_rotations’ but it bothers me when I try to modify ‘spacing’. In R8, it looks garbled:

In R7, it keeps lines intact:

P.P.S. From what I can tell, the garbled text when editing ‘options’ is unique to OpenNest2 and is not common to R8 text panels.