also have a look at this, it uses a Python script from this topic ( How to identify if something is a curve, polyline, polycurve, etc - #6 by dale ) to classify the type of curve, and if it recognize a given curve is done just of straight lines (ehm, literally if the word “curve” is not present in the curve type) it will apply negative circles on its corner points
similarly, it tries to understand if any corner point of the outer contour curve belongs to a convex area, and applies the same negative circle also to those (it might fail for curved outer boundaries… I tried with a ToPoly to get the convex hull, but still… not super reliable)
it needs to be tested, and will only work if several parts are input (with just one part you will get a weird final data structure, so use it with at least two) (18.4 KB)
(on a side note, I think this topic for improving lasercut trajectories is very interesting, but I would suggest to start a new thread because it’s not linked anymore to the new OpenNest discussion )