Hi there,
fairly new to Rhino Python but I am already getting some results. I ran a useful script for a single model but I need to apply that same scripts to another 100 models within the same folder. How would I go about opening a model from a specific folder, do certain operations through the script, then proceed to the next model ?
Basically I wanna run through all the models in a folder and execute the same script for each one of them. Any suggestions on the right approach ?
Hi Gabriele - you can use rs.BrowseForFolder to get the folder from the user. Then Python has some ways of getting at the files and making a list of them, for example:
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import os
def test():
fol = rs.BrowseForFolder()
listing = os.listdir(fol)
rFiles = []
for file in listing:
print os.path.splitext(file)[1]
if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == ".3dm":
rFiles.append(fol + "/" +file)
if len(rFiles) == 0: return
for rFile in rFiles:
#do somehing