Open source development on GitHub:

If you like what you see on YouTube: Michael Wickerson - YouTube

and would like to support the open source development on GitHub: mwickerson (Michael Wickerson) · GitHub

You can support Michael Wickerson on any tier on Patreon:

Only WIP grasshopper bundles are for sale at as of Summer 2923!

Grasshopper for Rhino3D open source

So it’s open source, but you have to pay for it?


Everything is public on GitHub: Michael Wickerson

This part (from here) is a bit confusing then:

Sorry about that , I am trying to update all my past text to free and open source. People can still support my work by downloading bundles at or on Patreon, which some people choose to do, but everything is open source though patreon with exception of the few WIP repos I am currently developing. Sorry for the confusion, I will try and catch all the old text. Best, Michael

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I am too tired chasing sales and trying to market, I wish to spend my time digging into gpt-4 and copilot as of late. Thankyou for your patience and information regarding the miscommunication on my part.

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