Regarding recent Mac update version 7.12.21313.06342, 2021-11-09, there was a change listed regarding detail backgrounds to eliminate opaque backgrounds on overlapping details. I am interested in what was changed and cannot locate the release notes.
I don’t see a change in background transparency in my layouts.
Hi Matt -
I see that you were pointed to the release notes in another thread that you started.
As for backgrounds in details, in a pervious version of Rhino 7, a bug was introduced that would hide the contents of a detail that was below another detail even though only the background of the upper detail was in front of the other information. That was fixed.
Please provide a 3dm file and clear steps to reproduce the issue that you are seeing.
That is different than the problem I am concerned with that shows up when printing - the detail background is translucent and thus partially obscures any underlying details.
@Matt3 - for the ViewCapture work around, the V8 ‘WIP’ respects ‘no print’ for detail borders so setting a print preview on there and making the capture may work OK.
I’ve searched quite a bit for an answer on this issue and looks like there is no solution.
Any updates?
I’ve tried to disable ground planes on both the document settings and the display mode settings (I’m using a customized version of the PEN display mode).
I had also played around with the background settings everywhere I could and even tried different environment and backdrop options without success.
I had never had this problem with neither Rhino 5 nor 6, but in Rhino 7 I can’t find a way to deal with this.
I hope there is a solution for this or at least some sort of clarification that it cannot be done so I can stop trying.
Attached is a sample file, and a couple of screenshots.