I’ve been spending some time getting caught up in the nice content available in the sidebar Help Window.
On occasion I run into a topic which I’d like to lock into the display window… typically so I can try out a few modeling ideas while viewing the content of that particular help topic.
Unfortunately, that never really happens for me — because everytime I type in a new command while modeling the help menu updates to the relevant info for each of the commands I just typed. As a good dynamic help menu should, and this is of course very valuable (and not something that should disappear)… BUT, it’s also not always needed.
If I’m looking and reading about some unfamiliar tool – in a way I’d prefer to be able to continue seeing the info on that particular tool while I’m working with it. And having the dynamic aspect of this help display tell me about the line/rectangle/curve… tool again sort of takes focus off of the tool which I’m trying to learn and study the most.
So,… I thought maybe I’d mention this and possibly there’s already a solution here, or maybe it can be taken as an possible behavior request. To put in a hold or freeze mode which override the dynamic updating for a short while.
Or maybe if not that, then an option to bookmark certain sections, or to have a history which I can open up and choose from a list of recent topics I’ve read. or something of the sort.
That about does it… I don’t mean in any way to suggest that I don’t like this help menu… I can currently work around this by opening up the Help docs in my browser window and that of course doesn’t dynamically update at all… but the problem then becomes managing two seperate windows. SO,…
You guys put together a pretty nice help window here… I like it as is… and I think I’d love it if my suggestion here could be put into effect.
Any chance this would be an easy, and hopefully trivial thing to code ???
Take Care,