Offset surface with solid seeting

Hi all,
I have a question as below.
After offsetsrf, I don’t want the bottom face of circle as shown on the right, the result is what I want.

I know many way can solve this question. Here is what i have tried.

1.delete with manual way
2.frist offset circle face without solid setting, then extrudedcrv for wall face.
3.Use the BooleanUnion

Is there an onther way to do that?


Don’t split your planar surface with the circles. First check (with Dir) if the surface normal is facing “up”. Then just ExtrudeCrv the circles to the correct height (Solid=Yes) and use BooleanUnion with the extrusions and the surface.

Or, if you have split the surface, use UntrimAll on the base surface to “unsplit” it, then ExtrudeSrf (or the Gumball extrusion handle) the circle surfaces to the height you want and BooleanUnion.

Hi Helvetosaur,
Thank you for your reply. I will try it.