Offline 'Shapediver' style service/packaging/app

So, some progress here.

I have a complete Human UI controlled GH script that is compiled by Rhino Script Compiler into a .rhp and .yak package:

Image 20210828004

This launches from the Rhino command line with ‘KaroroCAD’, launch is a bit slow, I need to look at some sort of loading screen to indicate this is all going OK.

Once launched, all the controls I need work thru the HumanUI interface. I use text boxes with confirm buttons as the main control - the confirm buttons are not so obvious, but OK once you get into the flow.

I do input data checking on every input to make sure it matches the type and range needed.

For Save/Load I’ve used some Human controls to read the parameters into a XML format and save as a text file. Loading grabs the parameters from the XML file and drops them into the HumanUI controls. This was sort of both easier and harder than expected.

For close down I just give the user the option to exit the Rhino session completely.

Image 20210828007

I think that is about it for now - I need to get a copy off to one of my test users and see if they can break it.



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