Oblique Elevation Drawing?

I went through this with a couple of student requests last semester. The following is the way I finally ended up “faking it”:

  1. Decide on a common base point for the following operations - preferably one that lies on the front face of the object.

  2. From the Top view, scale 1D along the Y axis using the basepoint above as origin and a factor of “1 divided by the square root of 3” (~0.57735) This is necessary if you want the drawing to have true dimensions along the diagonal. For a more realistic effect, a smaller scale factor might be appropriate, the classic “cabinet oblique” style drawing used half the real dimension on the diagonal, so half of the scale factor above.

  3. From the Right view, Shear the model +45 deg. (CW) using the basepoint as origin and a horizontal line as the axis.

  4. From the Top view again, Shear the model -45 deg. (CCW) using the basepoint as origin and a vertical (Y axis) line as the axis.

  5. Voilà! Now do a Make2D with the Front view…

Obviously the 3D model is completely useless after this operation, so either do this on a copy or Undo back to where you started… I can create a quick vid tutorial if you need later.

Edit - it occurs to me that one might be able to set this up as a series of components in Grasshopper, so you could just plug the model into it, bake the result, then Make2D…

HTH, --Mitch