Object model diagram (or method of "dumping" objects)

Does either (or both) exist?


Something like an “object model diagram” doesn’t exist as far as I know.
As for “dumping” objects, most objects in rhinocommon have delete methods to reclaim their used resources (e.g. Rhino.Geometry.Point.Dispose()).

Hi diff-arch and thanks for the reply!

I used to program in AutoCAD’s most widely-used API language (AutoLISP). They have a function called “vlax-dump-object” which displays a list of all of an objects properties and methods. The “dumping” must be an ActiveX term or something (which I don’t think most programmers are familiar with). I guess a better way to phrase my question would be whether or not there is a similar function in RhinoPython or RhinoCommon.

The picture is just a screen shot of AutoCAD after running the “dump” function on a leader object.

Generally in Python, you can iterate over class members and their values with vars(object.items()), however the object __dict__ needs to exist, and - if I recall correctly - this doesn’t work with RhinoCommon at least.

A workaround that I know of is using the inspect module:


import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import inspect

pt = rg.Point3d(0.1, 7.3, 1.34)

for member, value in inspect.getmembers(pt):
    print member, value
  Add <built-in function Add>
  ArePointsCoplanar <built-in function ArePointsCoplanar>
  Clone <built-in method Clone of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  CompareTo <built-in method CompareTo of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  CullDuplicates <built-in function CullDuplicates>
  DistanceTo <built-in method DistanceTo of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  DistanceToSquared <built-in method DistanceToSquared of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  Divide <built-in function Divide>
  EpsilonEquals <built-in method EpsilonEquals of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  Equals <built-in method Equals of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  FromPoint3f <built-in function FromPoint3f>
  GetHashCode <built-in method GetHashCode of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  GetObjectData <built-in method GetObjectData of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  Interpolate <built-in method Interpolate of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  IsValid True
  MaximumCoordinate 7.3
  MinimumCoordinate 0.1
  Multiply <built-in function Multiply>
  SortAndCullPointList <built-in function SortAndCullPointList>
  Subtract <built-in function Subtract>
  ToString <built-in method ToString of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  Transform <built-in method Transform of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  TryParse <built-in function TryParse>
  X 0.1
  Y 7.3
  Z 1.34
  __add__ <built-in method __add__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __class__ <type 'Point3d'>
  __delattr__ <built-in method __delattr__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __div__ <built-in method __div__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __doc__ Represents the three coordinates of a point in three-dimensional space,
            using System.Double-precision floating point values.

Point3d(x: float, y: float, z: float)
Point3d(vector: Vector3d)
Point3d(point: Point3f)
Point3d(point: Point3d)
Point3d(point: Point4d)
  __eq__ <built-in method __eq__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __format__ <built-in method __format__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __ge__ <built-in method __ge__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __getattribute__ <built-in method __getattribute__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __getitem__ <built-in method __getitem__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __gt__ <built-in method __gt__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __hash__ <built-in method __hash__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __init__ <built-in method __init__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __le__ <built-in method __le__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __lt__ <built-in method __lt__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __mul__ <built-in method __mul__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __ne__ <built-in method __ne__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __neg__ <built-in method __neg__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __new__ <built-in function __new__>
  __radd__ <built-in method __radd__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __reduce__ <built-in method __reduce__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __reduce_ex__ <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __repr__ <built-in method __repr__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __rmul__ <built-in method __rmul__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __rsub__ <built-in method __rsub__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __setattr__ <built-in method __setattr__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __setitem__ <built-in method __setitem__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __sizeof__ <built-in method __sizeof__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __str__ <built-in method __str__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __sub__ <built-in method __sub__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
  __subclasshook__ <built-in method __subclasshook__ of Point3d object at 0x000000000000006D>
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