Null Planes that work? inconsistently working

Base geometry for script.3dm (315.7 KB)
Facade system09.2 (81.4 KB)

Can someone explain what’s going on here? I am trying to fix this rotational field but things are not quite working. I want it to Rotate based on the distance from the projected curves but I don’t understand why it is not working.

maybe you have attached the wrong GH file?

Oh wow oops

ill fix that thanks for letting me know

can’t really understand what you’re trying to get, but for sure two things come to my eyes :slight_smile:

here, the f and x inputs looks swapped:

after fixing the above, it looks like (A) culls the list (B) -many items of which are already Nulls- using the pattern generated in (C), reducing the list from 1281 to 545 elements, then for some reason this culled list gets culled again by the very same 1281 True/False pattern: that looks wrong to me

Yeah it was literally just my input that was off as you suggested. Thank you so much, so helpful to get a set of extra eyes. I took a peak at your website too your work looks really awesome, keep up the good work!

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