I know this may sound ignorant, but I cannot find the barcelon pavilion 3dm tutorial file in the Brazil evaluation. It is not under brazil tutorials, the only available are pens and jewelry,
Thank you
I know this may sound ignorant, but I cannot find the barcelon pavilion 3dm tutorial file in the Brazil evaluation. It is not under brazil tutorials, the only available are pens and jewelry,
Thank you
Nope - it doesn’t sound ignorant at all! You are absolutely correct.
The Barcelona Pavillion file was quite big, so we omitted it from the evaluation version when Brazil was released several years ago. Perhaps now it makes more sense to include it, but it does almost double the file size of the installer!
In the meantime, you can download the file from here:
Great found it. Makes sense. One more question: since it is the trial version, I seem not to be able to access the advanced material editor’ full options
.As shown in the image my options are limited and I cannot seem to find the BRazil toolbar as it is not listed under toolbars in options.
Thanks you again my rendering skills need to catch up to my modeling!
You are using the “Advanced Blend Material” instead of the “Advanced Material” - when you are choosing the material type, look carefully!