Notarize plugin for OSX

Hi Márton-

Sorry for the delayed reply.

What kind of installer are you considering?

This question really does not make sense, but I can fully understand why you might ask. Notarization is rather “opaque.” There is only Apple Notarization.

Notarization is a process whereby you upload your app (or installer) to Apple, they run tests on it and, if you pass, your app is whitelisted and you can “staple” a certificate to it (though you don’t have to do the stapling part; only if you want it to work in offline mode).

macOS has a feature called “Gatekeeper” which checks to see if your app is Notarized - read: “on the whitelist” and/or if it’s “stapled”.

But that just describes Notarization in crude “broad brush strokes.” The details are quite involved. The following guides from Apple go into those details:

I have found, in practice, the actual work of passing Notarization is getting code signing “just right.” The bulk of your work will be spent there.

Or you can just distribute your plugin with a .macrhi and avoid it all together.