I wonder what is the optimal workflow to access the model state that I like even after making changes?
I used to do make snapshot, but since it doesn’t save subD control point position I am stuck with no idea how to access previous variations of a model that I like (for clarity - I wan’t to make a lot of variations).
I know it is possible to copy objects, save to another layers and etc. - anyway it seems to have a lot of messiness so I am willing to avoid this workflow.
Sorry if this has been discussed or if there is dedicated command for this…
Since Rhino is not a “History based” modeler, tracking the possibility of changes is up to you and a file based operation.
In Windows Rhino, the trick is to anticipate that you are or may be at a point in the modeling process that you need to come back to. Then use the Incremental Save tool. It’s similar to SaveAs but it leaves you in the current model file. It creates a new file with a number concatenated on to the end of your existing file name.
In Mac Rhino, you can use the Revert tool to roll back to an earlier version of the file that MacOS has saved for you automatically.
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