No intersection between surface and closed poly surface


I have a mystery on my hands - I’m essentially trying to create a depression in a landscape for a uni project between a closed polysurface and a surface which I have manipulated. Creating a a solid out of the manipulated surface and boolean differencing from the closed polysurface yielded no result - I tidied things up to the best I could and ran intersect, to which I discovered I am only achieving a partial intersect although there is a clear complete intersection present… Very curious, I wonder if anyone has any thoughts. Many thanks in advance. Im running Rhino 7 for Mac if thats of any use.


its_a_mystery.3dm (2.8 MB)

Success! as is always the way when you finally ask for help… If your looking through trying to resolve a similar issue. I thought I would try and rebuild the surface as a last ditch. I changed it from 22x22 to 25x25 and for some reason I now have a functional intersection.

Hi Aaron - thanks for the report - for now, if you extract the large top face of the box and ChangeDegree to 3 by 3 and rejoin it all, you’ll get the correct intersection.
Hm - even that seems dodgy. I’ll dig some more.

RH-65692 SSX Intersection fails


The problem here is overlapping surfaces. The Surface_x_Surface Intersector just gives up when overlaps are detected. If you Scale1d in the plane normal direction you amplify the relief surface. In the attached image the speckled areas show “z-buffer fighting” showing that the surface meshes are within display precision. A good indication that an overlap might get detected. If you trim out these regions you get a clean intersection, at least with the amplified relief.