The groove/fold/crease created by a Pipe with a BooleanDiff produces edges way too sharp, and I plan to Sweep1 or Sweep2 a smoother profile:
Question1: how do I position a custom Sweep profile (cross section curves) to run along the rail/edge and keep it somewhat tangent to both connecting surfaces?
Question 2: Is there another simpler way to make a smooth groove in a solid?
If you need to fillet, then Split away the fillet part with a pipe and put a “helper target surface” in the middle of the two fillets, then blend the fillets towards the helper surface…
Rolf, this is the solution I was looking for - the crease/fold looks perfect. I understand the concept on the 2D plane, thank you for the illustration.
Now I just need to figure out in which direction to extrude and move the HelperSrf for the cushion as a whole in the 3D world. Should I do one side at a time? And then manually fix the geometry at the corners later?
Hi Arsen - if you extrude the curve before making the pipe & trimming, i.e. while the curve still has the surface under it, you can use the Fin command (Extrude curve normal to surface) to set what will be a useful direction in many cases.