I replaced the standard Rhinoceros container with two containers, Rhinoceros_Mine and Rhinoceros_Mine_2, so that I would keep their content and layout how I want it through updates. While an update (8.0.22235.12305, 2022-08-23) left my containers as desired, it also loaded the standard Rhinoceros container and docked it in an inappropriate place.
Please don’t change the load status of containers during an update.
Supplementary suggestions:
Should the standard containers supplied by McNeel be immutable, with customer changes forced into “User Containers” distinguishable as such in the management tools?
Should the containers, panels etc display versioning info and/or last modifed by and date fields in the management tools?
Just thinking aloud: the underlying user stories could include:
As a user, I want to keep my workspace the way I painstakingly set it up because that’s the most efficient for me.
As systems support I want to distribute a company-specific workspace because we use certain plugins and extensions extensively and need them front and centre.
As systems support I want people to be able to customise their workspaces because their use focuses on specific subsets of the functionality and because they have differing ergonomic requirements.
As systems support I need to see where a user’s workspace differs from standard so I don’t inadvertently mess it up.
As systems support I need to see when an update changes workspace elements so I can assess new functionality.
As systems support I want to see how and when something changed to help troubleshoot problems.
I am sure that people can easily add to these…
p.s. It was bad practice (aka lazy) to include the supplementary thoughts with the problem report, because now the latter is marked solved few people will read the former. Sorry!
Hi Jeremy - Workspaces should handle this, I think. If you painstakingly set up a toolbar and panel layout, use WorkSpaces to save it off and when needed, restore it. The Rhinoceros Default workspace is not editable, however, it controls containers and their placement, not the contents of the containers.ToolbarReset will restore the default content and layout,
Thanks Pascal, a better understanding of how workspaces, containers and contents come together is helpful. But to summarise where I’m coming from: McNeel are working on the tools to create/save/restore custom (or standard) UI’s; my thinking is about what you might then want to add to aid with managing them.