Hi I am new to Grasshopper. I finally decided to sit my ass on the chair and not give up this time.
I am trying to start with basic GH tutorials on the web. I really recommend: Rhino Grasshopper on you tube. I am following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6NyEhPPQaU
I am trying to apply same principle to make a chocolate bar. Just to have fun and render it in Keyshot.
At the beginning of the tutorial he applies a Square Grid node (I am using a Rectangle one for the sake of the chocolate bar appearance). I would like to generate a “relationship” between the Size X and Size Y. I am trying to find the real size of a chocolate bar (standard one) I found the proportion by eye, but now I would like to keep the relationship and crank the sizes of the cells.
I am sure it is possible. Could anyone indicate me the way to “fix” a relationship between to numeric value slides ?
I Will go for @siemen approach, coming back to you asap
I tried what you suggested @siemen but it is not respecting the fixed ratio. It is changing the proportions still…I can attach the file if that helps ?
I am trying to move only size x slider and keep the proportion according only to that number.
So I would like to have always the same rectangle ratio and be able to tweak one of the size dimensions and keep the ratio but increase the scale in a way.
I know I should make another thread, but could you help me to understand why the loft is not happening also?
Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a look at the attached. The slider in the blue frame is for increasing the size.
You are trying to combine lists with a different path with each other. So instead of getting 30 lists with 2 items in them you get 60 lists with 1 item in it.
Thanks a lot Siemen. I have been checking my mistakes. I input the slider X also in the A/B node, therefore I was tweaking the relationship while touching the x slide…To sum up…I was being stupid.
In the video I am following they show that the lists gets paired for the loft by pressing “Graft” on the curve node. The video works…in mine not, but now I see the one you attached has the “simplify” .
I thought this video was so basic, apparently not to me. I think I need to start with something even more basic. Thanks so so much for your help.