New: TerrainMesh plugin (in alpha/beta)

hello @walther , hello @Holo

Previously, I did some research to optimize the dense terrain mesh.
I never finalized it’s research, because personally, I create land in real life (with plexiglass).
So I don’t really need to virtualize them.
I’ve tested many solutions but few are good enough to fit into a Grasshopper process.

If it helps, here are the solutions I found that produced decent results in a decent amount of time.

A fantastic algorithm has been created by the Mapbox team that allows adaptive triangulation to parts of a set of points: MARTINI
You can try it here.
It is fast and produces very clean meshes. Its only flaw is that it generates an approximation.
it is written in JavaScript, but a Python port has recently been created.

The author of pymartini has also created a Python port for the Delatin algorithm, which can be an alternative if Martini is not precise enough.

For other uses, such as analysis, 3d painting and 3d sculpting, I used mmgtools.
This is more difficult to implement, but there are many options allowing flexibility in various contexts.
My previous experience creating textiles with QuadRemesh involved simulating plexiglass to achieve results similar to what I could make.
I did this same test with mmg3d (only for the triangulation part, without the simulation), the results were much better in every way.
The simple way to use it is to download Blender 2.79 and its plugin BakeMyScan
For integration and after having tried to create a C<->C# interface, the easiest way is to use the program using extended files (Like BakeMyScan).
A Python module exists for this:

And again for other uses, but always about triangulation
if you need more performance in a Delaunay triangulation with Grasshopper (and you’re not afraid to read in unreadable code)
you can extract my version of the Sweephull algorithm:

(Note: like most other programs, I haven’t yet found a good solution for dealing with edges)

I hope all of this research is helpful to you. and maybe someone can continue them.

@holo, it would be great if you put your plugins in open-source to be able to contribute…
