New RH tools Grasshopper are hard to figure out

Is it just me that is struggling with the new RH tools in Grasshopper?
I find them quite unintuitive, but also potentially very powerful, so I really want to figure them out.

However, every time I need to use them I spend 2-4 times more time wrapping my mind around them ang googling how to get useful output from them than actually constructing and using the scripts…it is especially the selection and object/model tools…

An example is a SketchUp file recieved from an external source with a facade containing thousands of panel surfaces that needs to be extracted from polysurfaces in nested blocks, that again have been grouped and organized on a number of layers…

I feel it is easier to simply explode/ungroup everything and select the surfaces manually or with using rhinos select-by-property command…

It can be challenging.

If you need help, post an Sketchup file example with 5 to 20 objects…

Sorry, it was just me venting a little frustration, but it would be interesting to hear how to tackle this…here is a small slice of the model (this was nested in groups), and I just need the red front surfaces in the PV layer

test-surface extraction.3dm (1.2 MB)


That’s alright :slight_smile: (22.4 KB)

this is how I ended up solving it…

…a little more crudely, but it worked… :wink:

It goes on and on, eh?

Note how you can work with linked files too.