Rhino 7 Feature: QuadRemesh

In this weeks WIP you’ll find the addition of 3 new settings for the QuadRemesh command

  1. Target Edge Length - setting this value to a value greater than 0 will let the quad remesh algorithm attempt to compute quads with an edge length as close as possible to the value based on the objects curvature. Using this setting will disable Target Quad Count / Adaptive Size / Adaptive Quad Count.

  1. Multi-Axis Symmetry - Symmetry can now be applied to more than 1 axis. X / XY / XZ etc.

Example Remeshed with XY Symmetry

Example: Remeshed with XYZ Symmetry

Example: Multiple combinations of XY XZ ZY

  1. Adaptive Quad Count - When disabled Adaptive Size value will generate varying size quads but still try to hit the goal of target quad count. When enabled the target quad count will be less respected by adaptive size values in order to better fit the curvature of the shape.