I am getting ready to transfer from Mac Pro Lion-64 bit with Windows XP-32 bit (bootcamp access) to the New Mac Pro which is OSX Mavericks and will instal Windows 7-64 bit (bootcamp access). Rhino 5 latest on both platforms. Any problems? Suggestions? Words of advice? I do prefer working on the Mac side but have T-Splines on the PC side. i would use it much more if the plug-in was available for Mac. I have not spec’d the workstation yet as to number of cores and memory. Cheers.
I have basically the same setup on a 2.3GHz MacBookPro Retina, except I use Parallels. This is very good for quickly switching back and forth from Mavericks to Windows. I’ve never tried Bootcamp, but I assume that with a HDD instead of an SSD the reboot process would take a lot more time than I’d like, and even with an SSD I suspect it would take an annoying amount of time. With Parallels the switch is instantaneous if Windows is already running and about 5 seconds if it isn’t. Of course, if you stay on one side or the other for extended periods, I suppose this wouldn’t be a huge consideration. Parallels does work OK with Rhino5 in my experience.
Thanks for the info. i was using bootcamp because ‘they’ said it was more stable. i will of course be partitioning the new machine but now don’t know whether it should be Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. Again i just try to read the chats and forums but have no one that is actually running Rhino 5 on Windows 8 - 64 bit (on the Mac). Suggestions? Thanks. m
Well, I started on Windows 7Pro 64 bit but upgraded to 8, then 8.1. I ran Parallels 8 with Mountain Lion and Win7, then Parallels 9 with Mavericks and Win 8/8.1. No problems with any. Keep in mind that McNeel will provide support with Rhino5 running on Windows under Bootcamp, but doesn’t offer support when using a virtualization system (Parallels, VMWare).
There is a readjustment period for Win8, but nothing major. Win 8 and Win 7 cores are pretty much the same so the user interface is the difference.