New in V6 toolbar button buglets

Hi @pascal,

just found a 2 litle things after running _ToolBarReset in V6 in the “New in V6” ToolBar:

The button “Select sub curve” is just running _SubCrv which is the same as in “Curve Tools”.

The button “Select control point region” has a RMB command “Close object direction display” which makes no sense at this point, it is present already with the “Show object direction” button.


Hi Clement - thanks, I’ll check the RMB thing, that looks wrong. The SubCrv one is as expected however - SubCrv, run without a ! can be used as a selection tool - say inside Loft for example.


Hi @Pascal, thanks. I would have never thought of raping _SubCrv for that :wink:

I’ve tried to use it as a selection tool but there seems to be something wrong. Using 3 curves, (1,2,3) having the same direction (see arrowheads), i’ve started the _Loft command, selected curve 1, then typed _SubCrv. I’ve used the _Direction=Locked option and defined the subcurve (white) so it has an increasing domain as the original curve 2 has, then picked curve 3 and _Enter. Why is my loft surface twisted ?


Hi Clement - I’ve also noticed that sub curves seem always to need the ‘Align curves’ button to make a clean loft - I’ll ask Mikko about that.

Also, @clement, Radius and Length can now be used in a similar way - for example, Radius run inside the Fillet command will allow you to select an existing fillet to match, etc.


Hi Pascal, thanks for that. It took me a while to understand though. So when i am in the _Fillet command AND in the _Radius prompt, i can use Radius again to get it from an existing curve… :wink:
