Rhino WIP 2017-Aug-22 is now available. Download Now.
New in this release:
- SDK: Freeze V6 C++ SDK (RH-33289)
- Annotation: Alternate dimension bracket getting chopped off (RH-40554)
- Annotation: Styles: Apply button on Annotation Style pages doesn’t activate (RH-40399)
- Annotation: Text: Text string change not committed when text field dialog closes (RH-40416)
- CommandHistory: Command history censored (RH-40907)
- File IO: PLY should support point clouds (RH-40867)
- Grasshopper: Bottlenecked geometry seems to have wrong normal data (RH-38781)
- Localization:
- Properties:
- RDK:
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Custom texture mapping off (RH-39117)
- Rhino Installer Engine:
- Use compat to check whether a V5 plug-in can be installed for WIP/V6 (RH-40718)
- ShadeSelected: Changes the Rendered mode view (RH-40504)
- SubDFromMesh:
- NURBS output option has missing subd patches near extraordinary vertices (RH-30499)
- Templates: Update templates with new annotation style information (RH-40804)
- ViewPropertiesPage: Custom viewport properties page doesn’t get scrollbar (RH-38727)
Download Now and report any problems in this forum.