New frequent video driver related crashes

Hi @Helvetosaur, @stevebaer and @jeff

I am seeing a lot of these driver crashes now with SR9 too.
System has been stable for more than a year and now the drivers crash a lot, at least when I am using Python script in a button.

How can I revert back to SR8?

Mitch’s crashes were incorrectly being identified as video driver crashes when the real problem was a crash in the .NET garbage collector on a different thread when attempting to clean up some of the work from a python script.

If you have a script that is frequently causing crashes, I would like to see it if possible,

In my case the screen flickers and Windows 7’s transparent startmenu turns blue. And I do not get any warning from the OS. Rhino does not crash most of the times, but I have to restart the machine to get the drivers to work properly again. No new drivers installed.

I’ll see if it happens next time I use the script.

This is repeatable on my system, but not a crash.
I have to have the pythoneditor open AND click on a button with an embedded script

  • Dualscreen setup.
  • Rhino 5 fullscreen on one, pythoneditor open on the other.
  • Click on button with embedded python script.
  • Screens flickers to black and redraws.

On second run Windows disables the OpenGL eyecandy and startmenu is no longer transparent.

So something in Rhino forces Windows to enter a “safe mode”.

OpenGL is still working and Holomark2 is running fine.

Now I have to restart and start work, so you have to take it from here.
I don’t think the script in the button matters.

I can’t repeat this here… I have had lots screen flicker and almost blackouts here, but it’s only when I am trying to run my video script which involves lots of screen redraws - I think I’m overloading some video buffer somewhere… But with a normal script, Rhino maxed on one monitor and python editor on the other (which I do all the time), running a script from a button runs totally normally.


Thanks for trying, I’ll look into it when I have time.