Nested Catenary Structure


I’m trying to achieve a catenary structure from three curves which should be nested on each other. I have approximated my goal geometry by using three kangaroo solvers and replacing one anchor of the secondary and catenary curve with the highest point of the primary curve after running the solver and the same for the tertiary curve.
However what I really want is putting all three solvers into a loop to retrieve a livelike result where all curves are influencing each other (like in a real hanging chain model).
Can someone please help me with this? I’m not very experienced with anemone but I think I will need it in this case.
I also wasn’t able to find something similar in the forum…

Nested (21.6 KB)

did you look to that ?

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Hi @pia.nagl

You don’t need these multiple instances of the solver component, or extra looping like Anemone, this is all handled inside one solver.
Input the curves into the same solver, making sure they share a point where they need to join, and it will keep them connected and have the different curves influence each other like a real hanging chain network (8.4 KB)


You might find this useful?

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Hi Daniel!

actually I tried that before exept for the rebuild as polylines. And then I was thinking too complicated as I always tend to do.
Thanks for the fast response and the solution!!

Best Pia

Hi Joseph!

Great! I definitely need this for the next steps!
Thank you!

Best Pia

Hi Laurent!

Thanks for the link!
I will definitely test your approach when it comes to the materialization phase.

Best Pia

I was playing around with @DanielPiker’s model (included below) and thinking about the GH Cat (Catenary) component so created this model to mimic Daniel’s results. There are five curves defined between the four corner points and the two points defined by MD Sliders and ‘Z’ sliders. (36.5 KB)

The effect is more evident when the two MD Slider points are moved.

NOTE: I reversed the ‘Z’ vector so gravity pulls these catenary curves down.

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Hi Joseph!
I didn’t know about the GH catenary component. Thanks for showing me that option as well!

Visual inspection suggests that the droopy lime-green curve might correspond to the slider with the longest length value, and that is correct. I guess the lengths of the five catenary curves are a function of how many points (“hanging weights”) are on each one?