Needed Approach for Chaffing Rail

Problem (4.2 MB)

I am trying to create a half-round chaffing rail around the sheer line of this hull form. The approach I took was to duplicate the upper edge and use offsetsrf the 0.95 radius of the rail to create a pair of sweep paths.

I’ve tried a lot of variations on this but the resulting sweep never will booleanunion or split/join to the hull.

This makes me think I should step back and ask if there is some better approach to doing this?

Trimming and then joining everything seems to work OK.
Problem Sweepx.3dm (3.6 MB)

Thanks, but I have been getting failure when I split. I’m using V8.

Did you try separating the top surfaces from the side surfaces as shown in the file I posted? I find that the blue curve will split or trim the side side surfaces with ease. The top surfaces are good to go as is, no need to include them in the splitting operation.

OK, I can split with the curve but not the surface.