Is there a way to detect an unroller transform that can be reversed? (12.6 KB)
Good question… that Unroll PolySrf component is part of Pufferfish I believe perhaps @Michael_Pryor knows if there is potential to reverse the process.
Is it possible to create a transform output for unroll component?
Not really. It comes from Rhinocommon and that information is not available. The unroller class is not a transform, atleast not to the public:
#suggestion hi @dale please add transform( At the output of the component’s) to unroll in :
it is very useful
Why would you need to reverse the unroll though? Since you have the original object pre unroll anyway I’m not sure I see the reason?
(editing extended components a brep )and convert those components to the original form.
Of course, this is also possible with orient, but it is faster with transform .!
But I guess my question is, if you have the original why would you need to convert back? Just go back to the component holding the geometry pre unroll? The usefulness of Transformation data outputs is so you can do things like combine transformations or apply those transformations to other objects. Can you explain exactly what you want to achieve? I think the unroll is probably not such a simple transform which fits into the transformation matrix so probably it wouldn’t even work in a reverse way. Or it may be many various types of transformations.
There are cases where one might need to reverse these transforms. I am really struggling with that right now. If each brep had a list of transforms for each unrolled surface that would be perfect… For example i have a fairly complex algorithm for creating wall panels, but adding all the details in 3d would be a huge problem. Instead I create all the small details in 2d(flaps, additional reinforcement profiles for each surface, etc) and transform them back to 3d to get the 3d model. Also, I might want to transform curves points or breps along with unrolling. But unroll component allows only points and curves. Also, if you have 2 different sets of points/curves that need to be unrolled with that Brep, it is hard to sort them back after unroll. Please Michael, consider such option!
For my own need I have done such tool but just for mesh. I think it could not be possible for curved surface to do that with transform.
You could use mesh map. In order to have some links between 3d and 2d
there are no such components in the present versions of your plug-in :c
Components are not included in this or old release. It is a special edition that is eXPerimental.
For simple surface you could used mesh map.
I use my Mesh Map component because it also look at the Z but if you don’t need Z, bimp, displacement you could use the one from Kangaroo or Ngon, the last is working with curve. (84.5 KB)
Thank you @laurent_delrieu and @DanielPiker, great solutions, I will try both.