Need help: Macro for Orient3Pt with Osnap cen, cen, near

Hi, I work with round pipes all the time making car chassis, so I would love to use a convenient way to orient those into the ground level. For orienting the straight cut pipes I use the ! _Orient3Pt command, however, the problem is that I’m forced to navigate the camera too close to each pipe to avoid snapping to the wrong area. Is there a way to set custom Osnap to each of the 3 reference points? I would like reference points 1 and 2 to snap to center only, whereas reference point 3 should snap to near (along the seam of the pipe). That will allow me orient the pipes in a much faster pace as I will not be forced to move the camera close up for each pipe.

For this reason I set one of my customizable mouse buttons to turn on or off: OSnap End Near Point Mid Int Tan Quad Knot Enter. I switch those a lot but I think that there must be a more intelligent way to orient the pipes with some automated macro that switches the cen and near Osnaps upon picking the 3 reference points for the ! _Orient3Pt command. Do you have any suggestions how this could work? :slight_smile:

Does this macro work for you?

! _Orient3Pt _Pause _Copy=_No _Scale=_No _Cen _Pause _Cen _Pause _Near _Pause


Ooh, I didn’t know you could use one-off osnaps like that inside macros! Neat! :slight_smile:

Perfect, this is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you! :slight_smile: I just made a new button and called it “Orient pipe”.
I had a hard time in figuring out how to make the macro and missed on the “scale” and “copy” parts :slight_smile: